

During this week, I saw other must-seens in Geneva like United nations, Swiss museum for ceramics and glass called Ariana, Patek Philippe Museum of watches-that was the best one, but I could not take pictures, because it is forbidden.You have to see it, there were so many beautiful watches, musical automata and portrait miniatures featured by classical music.


I had to see the old town

Stará časť mesta / the old part of the town

Archeologická časť Katedrály Sv.Petra / archeological site of the St. Peter' s Cathedral

Promenade des Bastions

Promenade des Bastions


Aby ste verili, že tam naozaj som / for you to believe that I am really there

I decided to write this post only in English, because I don't have Slovak keyboard here.These photos are from previous two days that I spend walking down the streets of the oldest parts of Geneva.I really adore their parcs where you can just sit and do nothing, nobody cares what are u doing here.That's the spirit of big cities!


First sortie

Zajtra to bude týždeň, čo som dorazila do Ženevy a až včera sme si poriadne vyrazili do mesta, pretože cez týždeň sme nemali čas. Navštívili sme Bel-Air- jednu z nákupných ulíc. Výsledok? Nové platformy.
Prešli sme sa popri jazere, stála som tesne pod Jet d´Eau, takže som bola mokrá do poslednej nitky a sušila sa na slnku. Nastúpili sme na loďku a previezli sme sa na druhú stranu.  Kúpila som si voľný lístok na celý mesiac, ktorý prekvapivo platil aj na spomínanú loďku. Videla som okno v ktorom bola zavraždená princezná Sissi a prešla sa po Marché pusse na Plainpalais, čo je jedno veľké trhovisko so starožitnosťami.

E: Tomorrow, it is going to be one week since I have arrived to Geneva and we went for a walk in town  just yesterday because we did not have free time during the week.We were at Bel-Air street-one of the shopping streets .Result? New platforms.
We went for a walk around the  lake, I was standing right under the Jet d´Eau and I was completely wet  so I dried myself under the sun rays.We took a boat to the other side of the town.I bought a one month ticket for buses and trams, but surprisingly it also included our boat.I saw a window of the room where princess Sissi was murdered and we also walked trough Marché pusse, Plainpalais that i tone huge market with antiquities.


Welcome to Geneva

Milí čitatelia, práve ste sa dostali k môjmu prvému článku zo Ženevy.Úspešne som priletela a zabývala sa.Zatiaľ som nestihla spraviť fotky, pretože je toho na mňa teraz veľa.
Pozitiívna správa: Som platonicky zamilovaná.
PS: Moje dnešné raňajky, aby mal tento článok aspoň jednu fotku.

E:Dear readers, you are reading my first post from Geneva right now.I flew successfully and now I am slowly getting use to this way of life.I have not made any photos yet, because there are so man things to handle right now.
Positive news: I am platonically in love.
PS: Today´s breakfast photo.This article has to have at least one photo.