
Get ready for something colder

 Dress- Terranova
Pantyhose- F&F
Shoes- Chinese store
Bag- Terranova
Earrings- Six /gift from Kejmy/



LIU JO- Fall/Winter 2011

 Kate Moss pre Liu Jo Jeseň/Zima 2011.Čo by ste si vybrali?

E: Kate Moss for Liu Jo Fall/Winter 2011 campaign.What would you choose?

Source: Liu Jo Facebook funpage


Gallery is always a good idea

Minulý týždeň sme sa z výtvarného krúžku vybrali do Šarišskej galérie v Prešove.Bolo to ozaj skvelé a plné inšpirácie.Diela Braňa Jánoša boli najzaujímavejšie a určite by som si ich kúpila, ak by to bolo možné.Prikladám tu obrázky zo všetkých výstav, ktoré sme v galérii videli, lebo aj tie boli skvelé.

E: Last week I went to Šariš gallery in Prešov with my art class.It was really amazing and full of inspiration.The work of Braňo Jánoš was the most interesting and would definitely buy them if it was possible.I am adding some images from all expositions which we could see in the gallery, because they were great too.

Source : http://sgpresov.sk/

Braňo Jánoš

Pavol Hamel

Dionýz Dugas

Róbert Szittay


Saturday´s morning

Jedna z vecí, ktorú o mne ešte neviete je, že som animátorka pre deti.Túto sobotu bude naše prvé stretko po lete/Viem, že to je neskoro/ a preto od včera pripravujem rôzne materiály-Chcem, aby bola naša spoločná hodinka super!Tohto roku budem viesť štvrtý a piaty ročník žiakov z našej dediny.Prosím držte mi palce!

E: One of the things you do not know abou me is that I am animator for children.This Saturday we are having our first meeting after summer/I know that it is late/ and that´s because I am preparing various materials.I want to make our hour together great!This year I will lead the fourth and fifth grade students from our village.Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

Toto si istotne vyrobím!


Mustard in motion by Bershka

Milujem horčicovú farbu, ktorá farba patrí medzi farby  tejto jesene.To vie aj Bershka, a preto vydáva túto skvelú kolekciu.Rada by som si z nej niečo kúpila, avšak najbližšia Bershka je až v Bratislave.Preto to zatiaľ prežijem s mojím horčicovým svetrom, silonkami a opaskom.Ďalšia méta je horčicový kabát.

E: I love mustard colour which is one of the colors of this autumn.Barshka knows it too and that´s because she issued this amazing collection.I would love to buy something from it however the nearest Bershka shop is in Bratislava.Therefore for now I will have to survive with my mustard sweater, tights and belt.The next goal is a mustard coat.



We needed to take a photo, so we did

Štvrtkový outif a zároveň fotka na pomoc mojej Kejmy v jej práci. :)

E: Thursday´s outfit and also one photo to help my Kejmy with her job. :)

Shirt- Uniform Direct
Trousers- Terranova
Jacket- Secondhand
Coat- House
Belt- Vintage
Shoes- Chinese store

Photo by Kejmy


Little miss hat

Môj včerajší outfit do školy.

E: Yesterday´s outfit to school.

Photo by Kejmy



Biela jar a leto? Také to ozaj bude? Neviem ako vám, ale mňa to mementálne veľmi teší v tomtu pochmúrnom počasí.Tešila som sa na jeseň, ale chcela som ju farebnú a taká nie je-aspoň teraz.Tak sa teším aspoň na tento Chanel a jeho akvárium.

E: White spring and summer? It will be like this? Really? I don´t know what do you think about this collection, but I am very happy about it in this gloomy weather.I was looking forward to this autumn, but I wanted the autumn full of colours and it is not like that for now.So at least I am  looking forward to this Chanel and his aquarium.


I met cold and hot chocolate

Stretávam sa so zimou a to od piatkového večera.Ten bol super! S kamarátkami/Kejmy, Lucy, Nataly a Baška/ sme najprv navštívili nový pub v Prešove- Creative Pub.Po pravde som čakala niečo ozaj kreatívne, keď sa už tak volá.No nestalo sa.Tešila som sa, že nájdeme nejaké nové miesto, v ktorom sa usídlime na dlhší čas.Ale aby som nehovorila len škaredo.Majú tam dosť veľký priestor a výbornú horúcu čokoládu.Neskôr sme sa presunuli na prvú tohtoročnú stužkovú môjho kamaráta.Bola fajn, ale my budeme mať oveľa lepšiu.Najlepšie na piatku boli naše priesvitné dáždniky, ktoré som nám s Kejmy objednala cez Internet.Fotky dáždnikov inokedy-nemali sme foťák, pršalo a bola tma.No po tomto piatkovom výjazde v daždi kašlem a necítim sa najlepšie.A zajtra je škola! :(

E: I am meeting cold since Friday´s evening which was pretty cool! Me and my friends, we went to new pub in Prešov called Creative Pub.Honestly, I was thinking that it will be something really creative if they call it Creative Pub.But it did not happen.I was looking forward to find some new place where we will be able to go more often than once.But I won´t tell you just bad sides of this place.They have got huge space and delicious hot chocolate.After that we moved to this year´s first prom celebration of one of my friends.It was fine but my class will have much better prom that that was.The best of that night were our umbrellas which I ordered Kejmy and me on the Internet.I will add some umbrella´s photos later because we did not have a camera, itrained and it was dark.After this Friday´s night out I cough and I don´t feel really well.And tomorrow? School. :(

I am adding some chocolate photos : :)


Prom is far but...

Je isté, že školský ples bude až vo februári a že je to hrozne ďaleko, no ja som si aj napriek tomu kúpila šaty, ktoré by mohli byť na túto príležitosť vhodné.Nebudem prezrádzať ako vyzerajú.Poviem vám len to, že boli lacné!A pridávam tu fotku z minuloročného plesu, ktorý bol ozaj skvelý.Páčia sa vám moje šaty?

E: It is sure that school prom is hapenning in February and that is is really far but I have even bought a dress that might be appropriate for the occasion.I will not tell or show you how they look.I will just tell you that they were cheap!And I am also adding one photo of last year´s school prom which was great!Do you like my dress?

Tagged: Kejmy and Ika


Fashion TV party

Ocitli sme sa tam čistou náhodou, vďaka tomu, že som vyhrala dve vstupenky na túto akciu.Bolo to super! Síce sme nikoho osobne s Kejmy nepoznali, no aj napriek tomu sme si to užili.Po prvýkrát sme okúsili, čo znamená slovo luxus v reálnom živote a nie na obrázku alebo v televízii.Ochutnali sme sushi-nechutilo mi,vypili sme mojitá -samozrejme nealko, stretli sme známe osobnosti-návrhárov-Veroniku Hložníkovú, Lukáša Kimličku a Janu Pištejovú, spevákov-Čekovského, Adamca, Puskaillera a dvoch členov slovenskej kapely No Name, moderátorky Fashion TV, Sajfu a tak ďalej.Viac vám povedia fotky.

E: It was just a coincidence that we went to this party, because I won 2 tickets.It was great! Even if I and Kejmy did not know anyone personally, we enjoyed it very much.At first time we tried what does world luxury mean in rela life/not in the picture or on the TV/.We tried sushi-I didn´t like it, we drank mojito-of course non alcoholic, we met famous people like Slovak fashion designers-Veronika Hložníková, Lukáša Kimlička a Jana Pištejová, the singers-Marián Čekovský, Lukáš Adamec,T.Puskailler and two members of Slovak band No Name, TV hosts of Fashion TV, Sajfa/famous slovak radio and TV host/ and many other people.Photos will tell you more.

 Photos by Kejmy :)