
The last, the first, the ...

Dnes som tu chcela vyčapiť niečo v štýle, čo všetko som za neto rok zažila.Nestihla som to, čas letí ako voda a ja mám dnes ešte zopár povinností a potom hor sa oslavovať.Teším sa na rok 2013, lebo to bude rok veľkých zmien- aj dobrovoľných aj nedobrovoľných.Nie som človek, ktorý príliš verí horoskopom, no zatiaľ to s Kozorožčami vyzerá sľubne.
Včera sme s Kejmy boli v Maxe na nákupoch.Kúpila som si skvelý jarný kabát, tak nech tá jar okamžite príde!
PS: A na záver to najdôležitejšie: Dúfam, že tento rok bol pre vás jedným z tých naj a prajem vám príjemné privítanie toho ďalšieho! Vidíme sa v roku 2013!

E: Today, I wanted to post here something like a 2012 review.I did not have any free time and time flies so fast.I have another stuff to do and then New Year´s Eve celebrations are coming.I am looking forward to year 2013 cause it is going to be the year full of changes- voluntary and involuntary ones.I am not  a person who believes in horoscopes, but my the year of 2013 looks promisingly.
Yesterday, we went shopping with Kejmy and I bought one amazing spring coat, so I want spring to be here right now!
PS:  Finally, the most important thing: I hope that this year was one of the best for you and I wish you Happy New Year 2013! See u!


Christmas wish

Musím priznať, že na mňa vianočná nálada doľahla až dnes.Chvalabohu.Na čo sa najviac teším?Na kapustnicu a na okamih, keď prídem o polnoci do kostola, všetko sa zhasne a začne sa spievať Tichá noc.
Zajtrajšok bude náročný, lebo deti, s ktorými sme si vyše dva mesiace pripravovali divadielko budú vystupovať.Mám strach aj za nich.Potom sa rozpŕchneme a pôjdeme koledovať.Typické dedinské Vianoce :D, na ktoré sa však teším.
Želám vám krásne sviatky, prežité so svojimi najbližšími, bohatého Ježiška a kopu chutného jedla!

E: I must admit that the Christmas atmosphere has snatched me only today.Thanks God.What am I looking forward to the most? Definitely the sauerkraut soup and the moment when I come to our church at midnight, all the lights go off and everyone starts to sing Silent night.
Tomorrow, it will be a pretty tough day, because the kids with who we have been preparing a Christmas spectacle will perform it.I am a little bit worried about that.After that, we will carol.It is a typical Slovak village Christmas tradition.I am lookign forward to it!
I wish you peaceful Merry Christmas with your relatives, a lot of presents and delicious food!

Curly is not curly
Vienna apple

The only photo from yesterday


Day 2- Vienna

Sľubované fotky z Viedne sú tu.Bolo to čarokrásne! Zbožňujem byť súčasťou organizovaného chaosu veľkomiest.Viedeň ma zasa očarila a bolo ťažké sa vrátiť do reality.Myslela som, že to budú veľké nákupy, no nakoniec som si kúpila iba zopár maličkostí.Medzi nimi boli aj tieto náušnice na stužkovú.
Už ste dostali nejaké tie darčeky?Stromček je ozdobený?Koláče napečené?Predvianočná prechádzka je už za vami?Užívajte si sviatky.
PS: Dnes som sa snažila o zopár fotiek outfitu, no vietor hral proti mne.Uvidíme, či sa z toho bude dať aspoň niečo vybrať.

E: Here they are, the photos from Wien which I promised to show you.It was spectacular! I adore being the part of the organized chaos of the big cities. Wien thrilled me and it was pretty difficult to go back to the reality.I thought it would be a great shopping, but in the end I just bought a few little things. Among them there were these earrings for my green ribbon party/some kind of the prom/.
Have you already got some presents? The Christmas tree and cakes are prepared? Have you been to pre-Chistmas walk? Enjoy your holiday.
PS: Today I tried to take some outfit photos outside, but the wind was too strong.I will see if it is possible to post some of those photos.


The tourist

Reminds me summer in Geneva


13.12.2012 - The capital

Vrátila som sa z dvojdňového výletu Bratislava- Viedeň, ktorý bol najstudenší výlet, aký som kedy zažila.Nie som fanda nášho hlavného mesta a bola som z toho prvého dňa sklamaná, pretože som nechcela len chodiť po nákupných centrách a pozrieť si dokopy dve pamiatky.V našom parlamente som bola už trikrát, no tentoraz sme mali šťastie na všetkých pánov politikov, pretože sa schvaľoval štátny rozpočet a iné zákony.Viete koľko z nich malo zapnutý facebook alebo sa hralo na tabletoch. Nejdem menovať, bojím sa o seba.Dnes tu pridám len fotky z Bratislavy, neskôr Viedeň.
Včera som bola na stužkovej našej GJAR 4.B, ktorá mala to najlepšie video, aké som kedy videla!

E: I am back from 2days trip Bratislava-Wien which was the coldest one I have ever been to.I am not a fan of our capital and I was a little bit disappointed with our schedule, because I did not want to go throught all the shopping malls there.I love history and interestign places.We have also visited our parliament/ I have been there 3 times already/ and that was great because there were all "the fameous" Slovak politicians.They were aprooving the state budget for the next year and some legislations.It was funny to see some of them browsing the Internet, being on facebook or playing on thier tablets.I will not name them, I am worried about myself.Today, you can see some photos from Bratislava, Wien will come later.
Yesterday evening, I was attending the green ribbon party of 4.B class from our school.They had the best video I have ever seen!



Christmas wishes

Každý jeden rok som pod stromčekom túžila mať aspoň jednu perfektnú vec.Tohto roku je to však úplne inak- našla by som si tam úspešnú maturitu, prijímačky alebo skvelé leto 2013? Asi ťažko.Od mojich super rodičov si už ani nemám právo, čo pýtať, pretože v poslednom čase na mne a mojej budúcnosti minuli a minú ešte veľa peňazí.
Tento wishlist tvoria maličkosti, ktoré potešia.Jedna z nich už je splnená, pretože tento týždeň idem na vianočné trhy do Viedne.Denník B.J. a Great Gatsbyho už má asi každý z vás prečítané, no ja ešte nie!Náušnice by sa mi hodili k šatám na stužkovú, ktoré som si mimochodom v piatok konečne objednala.Prstienok v tvare zasneženej chalúpky, tak ten stojí veľa, ale zakomponovala som ho tam ako jeden z darčekov, ktorý človeku ozaj pripomenie Vianoce! 

A čo vy? Aké sú vaše priania?

E: Every single year I wanted to have at least one perfect thing under my Christmas tree.Things have changed this year- I would love to find there great results of the school leaving examinations, university entrance examinations or perfect summer of 2013.It is impossible! I have no right to ask something from my parents, because they spent lots of money for me and my future this year.
This wishlist is composed of small things that would make me happy.One of them is already done, because this week I am going to Vienna for Christmas markets.Great Gatsby and B.J. diaries are books that have been already read by everyone except me.Those earrings would suit with my green ribbon party dress which I finally ordered on FridayThe last thing- this ring representates the oridinary christmas present connected with this time of the year.

What about you guys? What you would like to find under your Christmas tree?


Highridge touring departement

Veľmi som si obľúbila moju novú mikinu, ktorá však navodzuje pocit tučnoty!Nevadí, aj tak ju budem často nosiť.Dnes som sa obliekla na moje pomery veľmi tenko a bohužiaľ som stretla mamku v autobuse, takže zbadala moje holé nohy/silonky!/.Som rada, že som sa konečne odfotila, aj keď už začínala byť vonku tma.
PS: Čoskoro čakajte na blogu nový prvok!

E: I fall in love with my new jumper in which I feel fat! Never mind, I will wear it very often.Today, I dressed a little bit lightly and it was so cold outside. Unfortunately, I met my mum in the bus on my way home and when she saw my outfit she was a little bit /seeing me wearing just nylons/.I am glad that I took some outfit photos despite the fact that it was getting darker outside.
PS: You should be looking forward to one new element on my blog!


Pixie has got a great market

Už dlhšie sledujem tento online obchod na Facebooku, ale až dnes som si poriadne prešla jeho profil a vybrala som pre vás nejaké tie kúsky, ktoré by vás mohli zaujať.Ja by som asi celý ten obchod vykúpila!
Inak som ponorená do učenia, písania úloh.Niekedy je ťažké, ak chcete, aby sa vaše sny splinili.Dnes je prvá adventná nedeľa a o chvíľu sú tu Vianoce!Tešíte sa?Už zháňate vianočné darčeky?

E: I have been following this online store on Faceboor for a quiet long time, but only today I went through their profile properly and I have chosen some stuff that might interest you.I would definitely buy dozens of clothes and acessories there!
By the way, I am still studying and writing homeworks.Sometimes it is so difficult to follow your dreams.Today it is the first advent Sunday and Christmas are coming!Are you looking forward to it? Have you already started to look for presents?