
The first unreal day at the university

Je štvrtok.Som stredoškoláčka a mala som dnes sedieť v mojej lavici na GJAR.Namiesto toho sme sa však s mojimi super 3 spolužiakmi vybrali na DOD Inštitútu histórie na Prešovskú univerzitu, pretože sa chystáme nabudúci rok maturovať z dejepisu.Čo sme spravili hneď po príchode na miesto? Zašli do bufetu a kúpili si jesť!Prepáč bufet, ale ten koláč bol zlý.Sklamal si ma.Ďalšia nemilá vec bola zlá teta, čo vám odkladá kabáty, ktorá na mňa vyskočila pre nič za nič!Asi mala zlý deň.Ostatné vám nebudem opisovať.Bolo to už nudné.

E: It´s Thursday.I am high school student, so today I was supposed to sit in my school desk.Insead of that, me and my 3 classmates went for a Day of open doors in Institute of History at the University of Prešov, because next year we're going to graduated from History.What did we do after arrival ?We went to the cafeteria and we bought a cake. Sorry my dear cafeteria, but the cake was unappetizing.You let me down. Another unpleasant thing was a very unpleasant lady, who was taking our coats, which jumped on me for nothing! Probably, she had a bad day.I will not write here anything else, because it was boring.

PS: New outfit photo, bad cake and Nikon in the mirror


  1. zlé tety vedia pokaziť deň..dúfam, že vám nepokazila :)

  2. ale ten koláč vyzerá parádne, tak snáď vylepšil deň :)

  3. Ten dort bych hned snědla! %)

  4. oo mnam :) milujem koláče :)
