
It all went wrong!

Dnes ráno som nastúpila do autobusu a tešila sa na celý deň.Najprv som bola na testy na alergológii, no a potom som sa ponáhľala do školy.Len, čo som si sadla do lavice, celý deň sa otočil o 180 stupňov a všetko sa začalo kaziť.V sobotu máme venček a môj tanečný partner je chorý- to je len jedna vecí, ktoré ma trápia.Dúfam, že vy sa máte skvele :)

PS: Nech sa páči dnešný outfit+ nákup!

E: This morning, I took the bus and I was looking forward to upcoming whole day.At first, I went to doctor´s to have my allergy tested and then I hurried up to school.The moment I sat in my desk, whole day turned 180 degrees and everything started to get wrong.On Saturday, we are having a class dance party called a puff/ring/chaplet and my dance partner is ill-this is just one of many things which are bothering me at the moment.I hope you are feeling great!

PS: Here you are today´s outfit and purchase!

Top- Second Hand
Shoes- Primark