
Midi Lidi Kindigo tour 2011

Nič nestíham, no včera som sa s Lucy a Nataly vybrala na koncert českej kapely Midi Lidi s hosťom  Puding pani Elvisovej-ten som však už nestihla.Presne takýto typ zábavy mi tu v posledných mesiacoch chýbal.V okamihu keď začala hrať hudba ma všetko prestalo trápiť.Boli to len ľudia okolo mňa, kapela a svetlá.Nič iné.Nikdy by som nepovedala, že práve ja pôjdem na koncert tohto žánru.Ale bola som veľmi milo prekvapená, aká je to skvelá kapela.Odporúčam.

E:I do not have any free time, but yesterday, Lucy, Nataly and me, we went to a concert of czech band Midi Lidi with their tour guest Puding Pani Elvisovej-we missed PPE because we had to leave.That was extactly that kind of entertainment which I missed for months.The moment music started playing, I stopped worrying about everything.There were just people around me, the band and the lights-nothing else matters.Nothing more.I would never say that I will go to the concert of this gendre.But I was really pleasantly surprised what a great band it is.I highly recommend it.

Song Lednice by Midi Lidi

The only missing person was my lovely Kejmy  .

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