Dnes som objavila toto super video značky Burberry, ktoré prezentuje výrobu či už oblečenia alebo kabeliek tejto značky.Uvedomila som si, aké vzácne sú tieto značkové veci. Pretože vytvoriť niečo takéto je totiž umenie!
E: Today, I have found this amazing video made by brand Burberry, which presents the craftsmanship of their clothes and bags.I realised how precious are these brand stuff.Why? Because create something like this it is an art!
Penniless Friday night
Včera sme s Kejmy ostali švorc po tom, ako sme museli ísť po škole na koláč, pretože sme sa nemali najlepšiu náladu a koláče nám ju vždy dokážu pozdvihnúť.Rozhodli sme sa, že teda pôjdeme ku mne a nejako sa už zabavíme.Boli sme až príliš šialené a možno sme spravili aj pár šialených vecí, z ktorých sme začali plakať.Možno to bolo kvôli belgickej čokolády, ktorej sme sa obžrali
E: Yesterday, me and Kejmy, we stayed broke after going to patisserie, because we did not have that right mood and with cakes everything is better.We decied to go to my place and have some fun.We were too crazy and maybe we made some crazy stuff too.Probably, it was because of my belgium chocolate which was really delicious and we ate a lot of it.
E: Yesterday, me and Kejmy, we stayed broke after going to patisserie, because we did not have that right mood and with cakes everything is better.We decied to go to my place and have some fun.We were too crazy and maybe we made some crazy stuff too.Probably, it was because of my belgium chocolate which was really delicious and we ate a lot of it.
Moja zbierka/ My collection |
The first unreal day at the university
Je štvrtok.Som stredoškoláčka a mala som dnes sedieť v mojej lavici na GJAR.Namiesto toho sme sa však s mojimi super 3 spolužiakmi vybrali na DOD Inštitútu histórie na Prešovskú univerzitu, pretože sa chystáme nabudúci rok maturovať z dejepisu.Čo sme spravili hneď po príchode na miesto? Zašli do bufetu a kúpili si jesť!Prepáč bufet, ale ten koláč bol zlý.Sklamal si ma.Ďalšia nemilá vec bola zlá teta, čo vám odkladá kabáty, ktorá na mňa vyskočila pre nič za nič!Asi mala zlý deň.Ostatné vám nebudem opisovať.Bolo to už nudné.
E: It´s Thursday.I am high school student, so today I was supposed to sit in my school desk.Insead of that, me and my 3 classmates went for a Day of open doors in Institute of History at the University of Prešov, because next year we're going to graduated from History.What did we do after arrival ?We went to the cafeteria and we bought a cake. Sorry my dear cafeteria, but the cake was unappetizing.You let me down. Another unpleasant thing was a very unpleasant lady, who was taking our coats, which jumped on me for nothing! Probably, she had a bad day.I will not write here anything else, because it was boring.
PS: New outfit photo, bad cake and Nikon in the mirror
E: It´s Thursday.I am high school student, so today I was supposed to sit in my school desk.Insead of that, me and my 3 classmates went for a Day of open doors in Institute of History at the University of Prešov, because next year we're going to graduated from History.What did we do after arrival ?We went to the cafeteria and we bought a cake. Sorry my dear cafeteria, but the cake was unappetizing.You let me down. Another unpleasant thing was a very unpleasant lady, who was taking our coats, which jumped on me for nothing! Probably, she had a bad day.I will not write here anything else, because it was boring.
PS: New outfit photo, bad cake and Nikon in the mirror
Time or part-time?
Máte radi stres a obdobie v roku, keď nič nestíhate? Ja veľmi.Neviem prečo, ale práve toto obdobie mi pomáha si uvedomiť, že pre niečo som na tomto svete.Tento týždeň v škole si ešte musím doopravovať známky-asi len slovenčinu, pretože som jedna z tých, ktorá sa nevzdá do poslednej chvíle!Aj keď to tisíckrát poviem, že ja už s tým končím, nikdy to nespravím.Mám to na sebe rada.Myslím, že sa mi to v živote veľmi zíde.
Moja oslava osemnástky sa pomaly blíži a sem-tam sa objavujú nejaké tie ťažkosti, ktoré musím vyriešiť a jasné, že už musím všetko začať pripravovať.
V lete by som chcela ísť na brigádu do zahraničia, ale aj tam sa musíte nejako dostať, preto by sa mi zišla brigáda aj tu, aby som si čo to našetrila.Avšak ako nájsť brigádu, keď tu nejakú nenájdete?
E: Do you like stress and that time of the year when you are in a hurry? I do a lot!I do not know why but exactly this period helps me to realize that I am in this world to do something.This week in school will be pretty tought because I have to repair my marks- just ffrom Slovak language I think, because I am one of these people who can not give up until last minute!Even if I say my friends thousand times that I can not do it anymore I never do that.I like this part of my personality.I think that it will be useful in my life.
My birthday party is coming and from time to time there are some difficulties with my party which I have to solve and also I have to start preparing everything for that big day.
In summer, I would like to find a job abroad, but I have to get there somehow, so I have to find some part-time job here too to earn some money.But how can you find the part-time job when there is anything free in Prešov?
Moja oslava osemnástky sa pomaly blíži a sem-tam sa objavujú nejaké tie ťažkosti, ktoré musím vyriešiť a jasné, že už musím všetko začať pripravovať.
V lete by som chcela ísť na brigádu do zahraničia, ale aj tam sa musíte nejako dostať, preto by sa mi zišla brigáda aj tu, aby som si čo to našetrila.Avšak ako nájsť brigádu, keď tu nejakú nenájdete?
E: Do you like stress and that time of the year when you are in a hurry? I do a lot!I do not know why but exactly this period helps me to realize that I am in this world to do something.This week in school will be pretty tought because I have to repair my marks- just ffrom Slovak language I think, because I am one of these people who can not give up until last minute!Even if I say my friends thousand times that I can not do it anymore I never do that.I like this part of my personality.I think that it will be useful in my life.
My birthday party is coming and from time to time there are some difficulties with my party which I have to solve and also I have to start preparing everything for that big day.
In summer, I would like to find a job abroad, but I have to get there somehow, so I have to find some part-time job here too to earn some money.But how can you find the part-time job when there is anything free in Prešov?
Now, it is not like that!
Rozhodla som sa aj napriek snehovej nádielke na východe Slovenska pridať fotky, ktoré som odfotila začiatkom týždňa ešte na zelenom trávniku.A keďže aj moja malá sestra bola fashion, tk som cvakla aj ju.Dnes som bola nakupovať topánky vo výpredajoch a som nesmierne spokojná.Páčia sa vám?
PS: Nová farba vlasov- tmavšia, ak by ste si nevšimli :)
E: I decided to add some photos which I took on Tuesday on the green grass , despite the snow in eastern Slovakia .I also took a photo of my younger sister because she loked very good.Today, I have bought two pairs of shoes on sale and I am really satisfied now.Do you like them?
PS: New hair colour- darker, if you did not noticed :)
PS: Nová farba vlasov- tmavšia, ak by ste si nevšimli :)
E: I decided to add some photos which I took on Tuesday on the green grass , despite the snow in eastern Slovakia .I also took a photo of my younger sister because she loked very good.Today, I have bought two pairs of shoes on sale and I am really satisfied now.Do you like them?
PS: New hair colour- darker, if you did not noticed :)
Sorry for the quality |
Looking for fun full of snow
Celý deň v škole nikto nedával pozor.Prečo? Pretože na ten sneh sa nedalo prestať pozerať.Padal tak pomaly, no husto.Po pár hodinách v škole sa dokonca zapáčil aj tým, ktorí naň na začiatku dňa nadávali.Niet sa čo čudovať.Túto neodolateľnú snehovú ponuku som po príchode domov hneď využila a spolu s mojou mladšou sestrou sme sa vydali vyšantiť sa do snehovej rozprávkovej krajiny, ktorá sa nachádza na našom dvore.A tak vznikli tieto fotky.
E: Today, nobody payed attention in school during our lessons.Why? Because we could not stop looking at snow which was falling down all day long.It was falling so slowly.After few hours at school it was even liked by those who g´hated it in the beginning of the day.No wonder why.Me and my younger sister, we had to use this irresistible offer and we went and had so much fun in oursnow fairy country- our yard.And that is why this photos were born.
E: Today, nobody payed attention in school during our lessons.Why? Because we could not stop looking at snow which was falling down all day long.It was falling so slowly.After few hours at school it was even liked by those who g´hated it in the beginning of the day.No wonder why.Me and my younger sister, we had to use this irresistible offer and we went and had so much fun in oursnow fairy country- our yard.And that is why this photos were born.
I am an adult
Od včera som sa stala dospeláčkou.Na každom kroku sa ma ľudia pýtajú, aký je to pocit, no ja im vskutku neviem, čo povedať, pretože za tých pár hodín sa nič prevratné nestalo
Poviem vám len tie divné, no super veci, ktoré som zažila na rodinnej oslave číslo 1:
- pri vchode domov ma čakali horiace fakle
- jedli sme veľkonočné jedlo
- hrali sme sa tak, že sme čítali návod na obsluhu foťáka v jazykoch ako estónčina
- moja 11- ročná sestra so mnou urobila interview
E: Since yesterday I am an adult.Everywhere I come, people ask me what it feels like to be 18, but I really do not know what to tell them, because for those few hours, nothing dramatic happened!
I will tell you only some weird but cool things that we did during my family party No. 1:
- At the entrance of our house, there have been burning torches waiting for me.
- We ate Easter meal :D
- We played the way that we read the instruction manual of my camera in languages such as Estonian
- My 11 years old sister did an interview with me
Poviem vám len tie divné, no super veci, ktoré som zažila na rodinnej oslave číslo 1:
- pri vchode domov ma čakali horiace fakle
- jedli sme veľkonočné jedlo
- hrali sme sa tak, že sme čítali návod na obsluhu foťáka v jazykoch ako estónčina
- moja 11- ročná sestra so mnou urobila interview
E: Since yesterday I am an adult.Everywhere I come, people ask me what it feels like to be 18, but I really do not know what to tell them, because for those few hours, nothing dramatic happened!
I will tell you only some weird but cool things that we did during my family party No. 1:
- At the entrance of our house, there have been burning torches waiting for me.
- We ate Easter meal :D
- We played the way that we read the instruction manual of my camera in languages such as Estonian
- My 11 years old sister did an interview with me
Small but good one |
The funniest postcard! |
Is she 18? |
Tatoo from my sis |
Bonjour, je m´appelle Andrea
Po roku zas oslavujem svoje pekné meno. Teší ma.Volám sa Andrea, aj keď polovica z mojich priateľov netuší, že dnes mám nejaký sviatok, pretože ma v skutočnosti všetci volajú Ajka.Nemám však rada iné prezývky, preto sa vás pýtam.Máte nejakú prezývku, alebo skratku vášho mena, ktorú neznášate?Ak áno šups sem s ňou.
Ale späť k mojím meninám.Dostala som super darčeky od Kejmy.Najväčší a najšialenejší prsteň, prívesok na mobil a náušnice.Od Lucy a Nataly čokolády, ktoré sme samozrejme hneď spažrali.Oslavovať s rodinou sa bude až o chvíľu.
PS: Majte pekný deň!
E: After another year I am celebrating my pretty name. Nice to meet you.My name is Andrea, though half of my friends do not know that today I have a name-day, because they all actually call me Ajka.I do not like other nicknames, so I am asking you now.Do you have some nickname or abbreviation of your name which you hate? If yes, please write it here.
So back to my name-day.I received great gifts from Kejmy.The biggest and the most crazy ring, pendant on the phone and earrings.From Nataly and Lucy I received two chocolates.We ate them immediately.I am going to celebrate it with my family in a moment.
PS: Have a nice day!
I woul like to have at least one of these cakes:
Source: weheartit.com
Ale späť k mojím meninám.Dostala som super darčeky od Kejmy.Najväčší a najšialenejší prsteň, prívesok na mobil a náušnice.Od Lucy a Nataly čokolády, ktoré sme samozrejme hneď spažrali.Oslavovať s rodinou sa bude až o chvíľu.
PS: Majte pekný deň!
E: After another year I am celebrating my pretty name. Nice to meet you.My name is Andrea, though half of my friends do not know that today I have a name-day, because they all actually call me Ajka.I do not like other nicknames, so I am asking you now.Do you have some nickname or abbreviation of your name which you hate? If yes, please write it here.
So back to my name-day.I received great gifts from Kejmy.The biggest and the most crazy ring, pendant on the phone and earrings.From Nataly and Lucy I received two chocolates.We ate them immediately.I am going to celebrate it with my family in a moment.
PS: Have a nice day!
I woul like to have at least one of these cakes:
Source: weheartit.com
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The Vampire cake! |
The last and the first
Je tu! Rok 2012. Dúfam, že nikom z vás sa na Silvestra nič zlé nestalo a mohli ste ho stráviť tak super ako aj ja.Aj napriek tomu, že náš plán bol nijaký, vyšlo nám to!
Ešte raz šťastný nový rok!
E: Here it is! Year 2012. I hope nothing bad happened to you during New Year´s Eve celebrations and you could spend as goog as I did.Even though we had no plans, everything went great!
I wish you again happy new year!
Voilà les photos
Ešte raz šťastný nový rok!
E: Here it is! Year 2012. I hope nothing bad happened to you during New Year´s Eve celebrations and you could spend as goog as I did.Even though we had no plans, everything went great!
I wish you again happy new year!
Voilà les photos
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