Jeden môj dobrý kamarát ma poprosil, či by som na blog nepridala viac oblečenia pre nich pánov, a tak som sa dnes rozhodla, že mu jeho prianie splním cez zimnú kolekciu Hugo Boss.Samozrejme, že je v nej aj niečo pre nás dámy!
E: One of my good friends asked me to add more men clothes on my blog, so today I have decided to satisfy his wish by new Hugo Boss winter collection.Of course there are some clothes for us ladies too!
Are we pretty?
Dnes som našla tieto umelecké kresby, ktoré sme vytvorili so spolužiačkami minulý rok na voľnej hodine dejepisu.Stále sa nemôžem prestať smiať, keď si spomeniem ako sme to kreslili.A prepáčte za kvalitu.
E: Today, I have found these art drawings which were created by me and my classmates last year during free History lesson.I still can´t stop laughting when I remember how we were drawing it.And sorry for this quality.
E: Today, I have found these art drawings which were created by me and my classmates last year during free History lesson.I still can´t stop laughting when I remember how we were drawing it.And sorry for this quality.
It doesn´t matter that I have flu
Áno!Vôbec nezáleží, že som silne nachladená a že mám trochu zvýšenú teplotu.Dnes, po urputnom sedení v škole sa začal skvelý deň.Najprv som si vyrazila na čokoládu s mojím super kamarátom Jurkim, pretože sme sa veľmi dlho nevideli.Po príchode domov som si otvorila svoju mailovú schránku, v ktorej ma čakal mail s oznámením, že som vyhrala 2 vstupenky na Fashion TV party, ktorá sa uskutoční v Košiciach budúci piatok.Bola som ako šialená, keď som sa to dozvedela.Samozrejme na ňu beriem svoju Kejmy.Tá ma potom potešila kresbou, na ktorej som ja.
E:Yes! It doesn´t matter that I have got strong flu and my temperature is a little bit higher.Today, after several hours in school an amazing day has started.At first, I went out with one of my great friends George, because we have not seen for a long time.When I arrived home I opened my mailbox where was one great message for me: I won two tickets for Fashion TV party which will take place next Friday in Košice in Fashion Café.I was acting like some crazy person when I read the message.I am taking with me my dear Kejmy.She pleased me with one picture of me after that.
Bacillus get out of here!
Je to hrozné!Všetci okolo mňa sú chorí a ja len čakám, kedy to dostane aj mňa, pretože sa necítim najlepšie.Áno, s príchodom jesene sa dajú očakávať nejaké tie choroby, ale až v takom veľkom množstve?Tak vy, čo ešte chorí nie ste,prosím jedzte veľa vitamínov, teplo sa obliekajte/to neznamená,že sa nemáte obliekať pekne/ a hlavne žiaden stres v škole a práci/to sa nedá-ja viem/.
E: It´s awful!Everyone around me is ill and I am just waiting to fall illl too, because I am not feeling very well.Yes, it´s obvious that hand by hand with autumn there comes some illnesses, butthat much?So you people what you are not yet sick, please eat many vitamines, dress warmly/that does not mena that you have to stop being nice dressed / and especially no stress in school or in your job/it is not possible-I know/.
E: It´s awful!Everyone around me is ill and I am just waiting to fall illl too, because I am not feeling very well.Yes, it´s obvious that hand by hand with autumn there comes some illnesses, butthat much?So you people what you are not yet sick, please eat many vitamines, dress warmly/that does not mena that you have to stop being nice dressed / and especially no stress in school or in your job/it is not possible-I know/.
OSCAR DE LA RENTA-Ready-to-Wear // Spring 2012
Prezerala som si novinky portálu Elle a objavila som novú kolekciu od Oscara De La Rentu, ktorá je farebne veľkolepá.Určite by sa tam našli kúsky, ktoré by moja skriňa rada privítala.Jediná vec, ktorá sa mi nepáčila, boli špicaté topánky so stredne vysokým opätkom-fuj!
E: I was looking throught news of portal Elle and I found new collection of Oscar De La Renta which is great colorful.I could certainly found some pieces which would my wardrobe kindly welcome.The only thing that I did not like were pointed shoes with medium heels-yuck!
Zdroj/Source/: Elle
E: I was looking throught news of portal Elle and I found new collection of Oscar De La Renta which is great colorful.I could certainly found some pieces which would my wardrobe kindly welcome.The only thing that I did not like were pointed shoes with medium heels-yuck!
Zdroj/Source/: Elle
Once upon a time there was me
Pamätáte sa na to dávnejšie fotenie s Ivankou M? Prinášam vám z neho fotky.
E:Do you remember that photoshoot with Ivanka M? I am bringing you some photos.
E:Do you remember that photoshoot with Ivanka M? I am bringing you some photos.
Prešov, Slovenská republika
MARC BY MARC JACOBS-Ready-to-Wear // Spring 2012
Hľadala som niečo nové od Marca Jacobsa a našla som kolekciu Jar 2012, ktorá ma zaujala svojou jednoduchosťou a farbami-najviac ma uchvátila modrá a oranžová.Začínam sa poriadne tešiť na rok 2012.
E: I was looking for something new from Marc Jacobs and I found a ready-to-wear collection Spring 2012 which captured me by its simplicity and colours-mainly blue and orange.I am really looking forward to year 2012.
Source: magazine Elle
E: I was looking for something new from Marc Jacobs and I found a ready-to-wear collection Spring 2012 which captured me by its simplicity and colours-mainly blue and orange.I am really looking forward to year 2012.
Source: magazine Elle
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