E: I am back.Refresh, full of sea, tanned, amazed and bored.During our second family sea-holiday we experienced a lot, but I can´t write everything here.That´s because I will add photos in more articles and you can guessed how was my vacation and what was I doing in Bulgaria.I do not regret this holiday! But I am glad that I am at home in my Prešov with my Kejmy.
Memories from Bulgaria
Som späť.Oddýchnutá, vykúpaná, opálená, zabavená aj znudená.Počas našej druhej rodinnej dovolenky pri mori sme toho veľa zažili, no všetko sa tu napísať nedá.Preto budem po častiach pridávať fotky a vy si hádam domyslíte ako som sa mala a čo všetko som zažila.Určite túto dovolenku neľutujem! :)No som rada, že som späť v mojom Prešove pri mojej Kejmy.
E: I am back.Refresh, full of sea, tanned, amazed and bored.During our second family sea-holiday we experienced a lot, but I can´t write everything here.That´s because I will add photos in more articles and you can guessed how was my vacation and what was I doing in Bulgaria.I do not regret this holiday! But I am glad that I am at home in my Prešov with my Kejmy.
E: I am back.Refresh, full of sea, tanned, amazed and bored.During our second family sea-holiday we experienced a lot, but I can´t write everything here.That´s because I will add photos in more articles and you can guessed how was my vacation and what was I doing in Bulgaria.I do not regret this holiday! But I am glad that I am at home in my Prešov with my Kejmy.
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My always shineshine ♥.
ReplyDeleteKejmy ♥.
muselo byť super :)
ReplyDeletetak to teda bolo, len som sa opálila a už sa aj šupem :-/