
Here comes the sun

Včera v meste bolo horúco a boľavo- topánky, no napriek tomu som si tento výjazd užila.Veď sú ešte prázdniny.
Posledná fotka je vzor mojich nových nohavíc! Yes!

E: When I was in town yesterday the weather was so hot and  I felt really unconfortable because of my shoes, but I had a great time anyway.We still have holidays, remember!
The last picture shows crazy pattern on my new trousers! Yes!


Blow-up, 66

Dnešný článok som sa rozhodla venovať filmu Blow-up.Čím by človeka z rodu blogerov mohol zaujať?
Hlavnú postavu- jedného z najznámejších britských fotografov Davida Baileyho si zahral David Hemmings-skvelý herec! Nikdy ste o tomto fotografovi nepočuli? Priznávam sa, že do včera ani ja.
Bailey fotil pre britský Vogue a pokladá sa za jedného zo zakladateľov takzvaného Swinging London.
Krátke info o filme:
Dej:Obsah zachytáva jedeň deň života tohto fotografa.Čo sa za taký jeden deň môže stať vám prezradím.Vražda.
Režisér:  Michelangelo Antonioni
Rok výroby: 1966
Jazyk: anglický
Hudba: Yardbirds- odporúčam! /Zasa niečo slávne, čo som nepoznala :D/

E: I have decided to write an article about a film called Blow-up.Why should be a person-blogger interested in this film?
The main character- one of the British most famous photographers David Bailey was played by David Hemmings-an excellent actor!You have never heard of this photographer? Neither have I...until yesterday.
Bailey was shooting for British Vogue and he is considered to be one of the founders of so called Swinging London.
Some informations about this film:
Plot shows one day of life of this photographer.What can happen during one day?A murder.
Director: Michelangelo Antonioni
Year of production: 1966
Language: English
Music: Yardbirds- I recommend them! /This is again something famous, I haven´t known till yesterday :D/


Girls just want to have fun

Včera sme sa chceli zabaviť, tak sme šli na koncert.Poskackala som si a poviem vám, že britská hudba je ozaj super!Len tam bolo až príliš veľa známych ľudí.
PS: Aj u vás je tak horúco?

E: Yesterday, we wanted to have fun, so we went on the concert.I jumped a little bit and I must say that British music is really great!The only problem was that there were so many people I know.
PS: It is so hot here, what is the weather like in your country/ town?


Beat of beast

Ešte stále bola zima, keď som sa fotila v tomto outfite /včera/ ale...dnes je teplo! Ódu či áriu?
Dodatok: Zapáčili sa mi čierne silonky/ to mi ale trvalo, že?/

E: Yesterday, it was still cold when I took photo of this outfit, but...today the weather is nice!
Will I sing an ode or aria?
Amendment: I fall in love with black tights /it took me so long,right?


This is summer?

Dnes večer som sa vybrala do mesta s Kejmy a Martinkou.Musím povedať, že mi bola ale poriadna zima.Veď aj tento outfit vyzerá dosť jesenne.Smutné.

E: This evening, I went out with Kejmy and Martina.I must say that it was so cold, even my outfit looks a little bit like an autumn one.Sad.
Photo by Kejmy


Keep going little lady

Dnešný deň bol pre mňa plný rozmýšľania.Nemám to na sebe rada, pretože niektoré chvíle, spomienky treba jednoducho hodiť za hlavu a ísť ďalej.Ja to však nedokážem, a čo vy?
Outfit je zo včerajška, keď som si s mojou mladšou sestrou vyrazila do mesta.Objedli sme sa zlého vyprážaného syra, kúpili si spoločnú huňatú vestu na jeseň.Najdôležitejšie však je, že som si v kníhkupectve našla v akcii knihu Denníky Carrie B.

E: This day was full of thinking.I do not like this thing on me, because some moments, memories are better to be forgotten.I can not do it, what about you?
I wore this outfit yesterday when I went out with my younger sister.We ate bad fried cheese, we bought shaggy waistcoat for autumn.The most important thing is that I found Diaries of Carrie B. on sale in my favourite bookshop!

Source: martinus.sk


An angel in my house

V nedeľu v noci som sa vrátila zo Ženevy, avšak na napísanie tohto článku som sa podujala až dnes.
Ako môžte vidieť blog má zmenený outfit a to len vďaka mojej Kejmy, s ktorou som dnes strávila pol dňa. Me gusta! Dostala som od nej tašku plnú darčekov, ktoré vám postupne budem ukazovať.
PS: Konečne nový outfit post!

E: I came home back from Geneva Sunday evening, but I found time to write an article just today.
As you can see my blog changed his outfit thanks to Kejmy who was with me during half of this day.Me gusta! She gave me so many presents- a bag of them that I will show you later.
PS: Outfit post!
PS 2: Sorry for my pig English, but I spoke French so much that I have some difficulties with writing.

Jacket- Second hand, Spotty set- H&M, Shoes- Tally Weijl