Dnešný deň bol pre mňa plný rozmýšľania.Nemám to na sebe rada, pretože niektoré chvíle, spomienky treba jednoducho hodiť za hlavu a ísť ďalej.Ja to však nedokážem, a čo vy?
Outfit je zo včerajška, keď som si s mojou mladšou sestrou vyrazila do mesta.Objedli sme sa zlého vyprážaného syra, kúpili si spoločnú huňatú vestu na jeseň.Najdôležitejšie však je, že som si v kníhkupectve našla v akcii knihu Denníky Carrie B.
E: This day was full of thinking.I do not like this thing on me, because some moments, memories are better to be forgotten.I can not do it, what about you?
I wore this outfit yesterday when I went out with my younger sister.We ate bad fried cheese, we bought shaggy waistcoat for autumn.The most important thing is that I found Diaries of Carrie B. on sale in my favourite bookshop!
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Source: martinus.sk |
you look adorable. this skirt is super cute <3
ReplyDeletewould you like to follow each other?
aj ja mám niekedy také chvíle, že musím neustále nad niektorými vecami rozmýšľať, vracať sa k niektorým udalostiam a pod. ale inokedy zas vôbec, viem to hodť za hlavu.., asi hlavne podľa toho o čo ide...
ReplyDeletekrásny outfit ;)
I love your maxi skirt! It's so pretty and flowy and your blazer is cute too. I've never read any of the Sex and the City books but I love the show and of course Carrie Bradshaw! :) Glad you found the book! <3
Thanks so much, this is the first Sex and the City book I have read and it is pretty good.
Deletethe outfit is nice, I like your skirt!
ReplyDeletePretty outfit!
your skirt is absolutely perfect. love this look! xx
ReplyDeletelovely blazer!
i love maxi skirts, they add something extra to an outfit. and cheese is my weakness, bad or good haha