Prišiel posledný deň v roku, tak si trochu zaspomínajte, čo nového vám priniesol tento rok.Mne priniesol odvahu vytvoriť si tento blog.Až sa to rýmuje.Ďakujem všetkým čitateľom.Najväčšie ďakujem však patrí mojej Kejmy, za najpriateľskejší, najmódnejší a najakciovejší rok, aký som len mohla zažiť.Merci!
PS: Poriadne si užite Silvestra a pamätajte: Ako na Nový rok, tak po celý rok!
E: Here it is! The last day of the year, so please be a little bit nostalgic and think about everything what this year brought you.For me, he brought me courage to create this blog.Thanks to all my readers.I am most grateful for my Kejmy for the frendliest,trendiest and most action year what I could have.Merci!
PS: Please, you have to really enjoy the New Year´s Eve and remember: As the New Year and all year round!
The worst killer? Boredom!
Sedím a pozerám televíziu, alebo sedím a čítam Pýchu a predsudok alebo sedím.Tomu sa hovoí dovolenka! Ale nie pre osobu ako som ja, ktorá musí stále niečo podnikať.Tak som aspoň mobil a urobila zopár fotiek.
E: I sit and watch tv or I sit and read Pride and Predjudice or I sit.Such a great holiday, right? But not for person like me who has to be active all day long.So I took a few photos.
E: I sit and watch tv or I sit and read Pride and Predjudice or I sit.Such a great holiday, right? But not for person like me who has to be active all day long.So I took a few photos.
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The best cup ever! |
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Granny´s kitchen :) |
Granny is waiting and we did a right thing today
Presne tak, zajtra skoro ráno odchádzam k babke, aby sme spolu oslávili Vianoce.Spolu s tým súvisí aj navštevovanie celej rodiny spod Tatier.Prepáčte rodina, ale tieto sviatky by mi pokojne stačil aj môj malý Prešov, pretože som ešte stále unavená.Dnes bol inak super deň, s deťmi sme mali vianočné vystúpenie a potom sme chodili koledovať.Vyzbierali sme veľkú kopu peňazí pre deti z Afriky.Snáď im to pomôže.A skoro nás uhryzol zlý pes! :D
PS: Ak by ste chceli aj vy pomôcť deťom v Afrike stačí navštíviť túto stránku.
E Exactly, I'm leaving to visit my granny tomorrow morning to celebrate Christmas with her. Hand by hand with visiting my granny there is another part of family around High Tatras which I have to visit.Sorry my dear family,but these holidays would be great if I could spend them in my small Prešov, because I am still tired.Otherwise, today was a great day, we had a children christmas performance in our church and then we went carol singing house by house.We raised a lot of money for the children from Africa.I hope it will help them.And we almost got bitten by the angry dog! :D
PS: Ak by ste chceli aj vy pomôcť deťom v Afrike stačí navštíviť túto stránku.
E Exactly, I'm leaving to visit my granny tomorrow morning to celebrate Christmas with her. Hand by hand with visiting my granny there is another part of family around High Tatras which I have to visit.Sorry my dear family,but these holidays would be great if I could spend them in my small Prešov, because I am still tired.Otherwise, today was a great day, we had a children christmas performance in our church and then we went carol singing house by house.We raised a lot of money for the children from Africa.I hope it will help them.And we almost got bitten by the angry dog! :D
So this is Christmas
Veselé Vianoce! Naozaj som tu toho veľa nepridala a veľa ani nebudem, veď sú sviatky.Najdôležitejšia je rodina.
E: Merry Christmas! I haven´t really post anything lately and I am not going to do it very often during Christmas time.The most important thing right now is the family.
E: Merry Christmas! I haven´t really post anything lately and I am not going to do it very often during Christmas time.The most important thing right now is the family.
All I want for Christmas is snow and Bonsoir
Asi nikdy v živote som netúžila po snehu tak ako teraz.Naozaj, tu na východe Slovenska nám ozaj chýba.Predpovede však vyzerajú sľubne.
Ako sa máte?Ako škola a práca? Lebo ja mám už tej svojej školy po krk.Budúci týždeň to však bude lepšie.Po prvýkrát idem s mojou babkou do divadla na derniéru predstavenia Bonsoir .Teším sa, lebo to bude večer plný šansónu a nebudeme sedieť v hľadisku, ale pri stolíkoch a vraj bude aj kávička.Tak to som zvedavá.
Donc mes amis,
Pridávam nejaké zaujímavé google obrázky.Prepáčte, ale fotoaparát dostanem až na narodeniny.
E: I have never longed for snow like thesedays.Really, here in the east of Slovakia we miss it so much.
However, the forecast looks promising.
How are you? How is your school or your job? I got tired of the school.Next week it will get getter.It will be the first time that I will go to the theatre to final performance of the play called Bonsoir. I am looking forward to it, because it will be the evening full of chanson and we will not sit there like in normal theatre play, but we will sit at the tables and there will be probably a cup of coffee too.
I am so curious.
Donc mes amis,
I add some interesting pictures from Google :) Sorry, but I will get a camera as a birthday present.
Ako sa máte?Ako škola a práca? Lebo ja mám už tej svojej školy po krk.Budúci týždeň to však bude lepšie.Po prvýkrát idem s mojou babkou do divadla na derniéru predstavenia Bonsoir .Teším sa, lebo to bude večer plný šansónu a nebudeme sedieť v hľadisku, ale pri stolíkoch a vraj bude aj kávička.Tak to som zvedavá.
Donc mes amis,
Pridávam nejaké zaujímavé google obrázky.Prepáčte, ale fotoaparát dostanem až na narodeniny.
E: I have never longed for snow like thesedays.Really, here in the east of Slovakia we miss it so much.
However, the forecast looks promising.
How are you? How is your school or your job? I got tired of the school.Next week it will get getter.It will be the first time that I will go to the theatre to final performance of the play called Bonsoir. I am looking forward to it, because it will be the evening full of chanson and we will not sit there like in normal theatre play, but we will sit at the tables and there will be probably a cup of coffee too.
I am so curious.
Donc mes amis,
I add some interesting pictures from Google :) Sorry, but I will get a camera as a birthday present.
Who? Patrizia Pepe
What happened this week
Tento týždeň bol pre mňa extrémne náročný, lebo som si povedala, že aj napriek bolestiam hrdla a silnej nádche to zvládnem chodenie do školy.A tak sa aj stalo.Avšak na úkor tohto blogu.Chcela by som sa s vami podeliť o pár vecí, čo ma tento týždeň potešilo a poteší.
1-V stredu ráno napadal prvý sneh tu u nás v Prešove, aj keď hneď zmizol.
2-Včera mi rodičia odsúhlasili školskú exkurziu do Londýna a ja už len musím dúfať, že čakacia listina sa posunie.Bude to ten najlepší výlet do Londýna, pretože tam pôjdem s Kejmy, Lucy a Nataly :)
3-Včera mi odsúhlasili kúpu fotoaparátu
4-Dnes som dostala jednotky z chémie a fyziky!! /:D/
5-Dnes mi ocko dal povolenie na používanie jeho old school zrkadlovky na film
6-Zajtra príde do školy profesor z katedry Medzinárodných vzťahov z UMB v Banskej Bystrici
7-Zajtra je koniec týždňa a my ideme na FrancUfoni soirée do Wave-u
Dole je náš +/- list, či ísť do Londýna alebo nie.
Hlásim, že Kejmy má giveaway! :)
Ak vás môžem poprosiť klik sem a pridajte jej tam pár ozdôb. Vďaka
E: This week was extremely difficult for me because I said that despite the sore throat and severe colds I can handle going to school.And it happened like that.However at the expense of this blog.I would like to share with you a few things which have made and will make me happy this week.
1-Wednesday morning-first snow here in Prešov, although now it is gone
2-Yesterday my parents said YES on my school excursion to London and I only hope that the waiting list will move on.Than, it will be the best trip to London, because I will go there with Kejmy, Lucy and Nataly :)
3-They also agreed to buy me a camera
4-Today, I got 1 from Chemistry and Physics!! /:D/
5-Today, my father gave me permission to use his old school camera
6-Tomorrow, one professor of the Department of International Relations of University of Matej Bel in Banska Bystrica is coming to our school
7-Tomorrow, it is the end of the week and we are going to FrancUfoni soirée to club Wave
Kejmy has a giveaway! :)
Here is mine and Kejmy´s +/- list whether to go or not to go to London- sorry it is only in Slovak
1-V stredu ráno napadal prvý sneh tu u nás v Prešove, aj keď hneď zmizol.
2-Včera mi rodičia odsúhlasili školskú exkurziu do Londýna a ja už len musím dúfať, že čakacia listina sa posunie.Bude to ten najlepší výlet do Londýna, pretože tam pôjdem s Kejmy, Lucy a Nataly :)
3-Včera mi odsúhlasili kúpu fotoaparátu
4-Dnes som dostala jednotky z chémie a fyziky!! /:D/
5-Dnes mi ocko dal povolenie na používanie jeho old school zrkadlovky na film
6-Zajtra príde do školy profesor z katedry Medzinárodných vzťahov z UMB v Banskej Bystrici
7-Zajtra je koniec týždňa a my ideme na FrancUfoni soirée do Wave-u
Dole je náš +/- list, či ísť do Londýna alebo nie.
Hlásim, že Kejmy má giveaway! :)
Ak vás môžem poprosiť klik sem a pridajte jej tam pár ozdôb. Vďaka
E: This week was extremely difficult for me because I said that despite the sore throat and severe colds I can handle going to school.And it happened like that.However at the expense of this blog.I would like to share with you a few things which have made and will make me happy this week.
1-Wednesday morning-first snow here in Prešov, although now it is gone
2-Yesterday my parents said YES on my school excursion to London and I only hope that the waiting list will move on.Than, it will be the best trip to London, because I will go there with Kejmy, Lucy and Nataly :)
3-They also agreed to buy me a camera
4-Today, I got 1 from Chemistry and Physics!! /:D/
5-Today, my father gave me permission to use his old school camera
6-Tomorrow, one professor of the Department of International Relations of University of Matej Bel in Banska Bystrica is coming to our school
7-Tomorrow, it is the end of the week and we are going to FrancUfoni soirée to club Wave
Kejmy has a giveaway! :)
Here is mine and Kejmy´s +/- list whether to go or not to go to London- sorry it is only in Slovak
Remember sixties?
Midi Lidi Kindigo tour 2011
Nič nestíham, no včera som sa s Lucy a Nataly vybrala na koncert českej kapely Midi Lidi s hosťom Puding pani Elvisovej-ten som však už nestihla.Presne takýto typ zábavy mi tu v posledných mesiacoch chýbal.V okamihu keď začala hrať hudba ma všetko prestalo trápiť.Boli to len ľudia okolo mňa, kapela a svetlá.Nič iné.Nikdy by som nepovedala, že práve ja pôjdem na koncert tohto žánru.Ale bola som veľmi milo prekvapená, aká je to skvelá kapela.Odporúčam.
E:I do not have any free time, but yesterday, Lucy, Nataly and me, we went to a concert of czech band Midi Lidi with their tour guest Puding Pani Elvisovej-we missed PPE because we had to leave.That was extactly that kind of entertainment which I missed for months.The moment music started playing, I stopped worrying about everything.There were just people around me, the band and the lights-nothing else matters.Nothing more.I would never say that I will go to the concert of this gendre.But I was really pleasantly surprised what a great band it is.I highly recommend it.
The only missing person was my lovely Kejmy .
E:I do not have any free time, but yesterday, Lucy, Nataly and me, we went to a concert of czech band Midi Lidi with their tour guest Puding Pani Elvisovej-we missed PPE because we had to leave.That was extactly that kind of entertainment which I missed for months.The moment music started playing, I stopped worrying about everything.There were just people around me, the band and the lights-nothing else matters.Nothing more.I would never say that I will go to the concert of this gendre.But I was really pleasantly surprised what a great band it is.I highly recommend it.
Song Lednice by Midi Lidi
.The only missing person was my lovely Kejmy .
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