Ochorela som.Nefotila som sa.Nič som nepísala.Dnes si však idem vyraziť večer na koncert Midi Lidi. Super epic česká kapela.Písala som o nich TU.Teším sa na to, lebo konečne sa nám podarilo zorganizovať sa všetkým štyrom na nejakú akciu.Dúfam, že sa zabavíme a moje zdravie ma nesklame.
A aby to nebol článok bez fotiek, nech sa páči jedny zabudnuté.Polepším sa, sľubujem!
E: I was ill.I did not take any photos.I did not write anything. However, today I am going on concert of one epic Czech group called Midi Lidi.I wrote about them HERE. I am looking forward to it because it is the first time after such a long time that we will be on concert together, the four of us/girls/.I hope everything will be perfect and I will feel good.
This article can not be without photos, so here you are-the photos that I forgot to show you earlier.I will get better, I promise!