Ešte v štvrtok sme boli v divadle, úplne neplánovane sme si v stredu kúpili posledné dva lístky.Predstavenie pre dospelých s názvom Don Juan v Soho.Poviem vám, že ľudia ho buď neznášajú alebo zbožňujú.Ja som v tej druhej kategórii.A ešte na to pôjdem!
Šaty, ktoré mám na sebe som mala prvýkrát oblečené a to ich mám vyše roka.Presne také do divadla!
PS: Stmievalo sa.
E: On Thursday, we were at the theatre, we did not plan it at all because we had bought the last two tickets on Wednesday afternoon.The performance /for adults only!!/ was called Don Juan in Soho.I must admit that this play is either hated or adored by the audience.I am in the second category of people and I will see it again!
I was wearing that dress for the first time.It is sad because I have had it since last spring.They are extactly the IT dress for the theatre.
PS: It was getting dark.