
Feels like a real spring-woman

Presne na tento okamih som čakala celú zimu. Prvý večer v meste, keď cítite, že všetko okolo vás ožilo.

E: This was exactly the moment I had been waiting for. The first evening in town, when you could feel that everything came to life.

Photo by Kejmy 

Dress- Sophie
Tights- H&M
Shoes- Primark
Bag- New Yorker
Watch- New Yorker


The blue one

Blouse- Second Hand
Bag- Primark
Shoes- Mum´s
Socks- Chinese store
Earrings- DIY gift from Kejmy


State exams

Poznáte ten pocit, keď viete, že príde niečo dôležité a vy viete, že to už nemôžte nijako ovplyvniť? Presne tak sa cítim práve ja pred mojou zajtrajšou písomnou časťou štátnice z angličtiny na jazykovke.Neviem prečo, ale vybrala som si ťažší level a teraz to trochu ľutujem, pretože som prípravu počas roka zanedbala a myslela si, že taký týždeň mi na to postačí, čo však nie je pravda, pretože tento týždeň som sa musela naplno venovať písomkám v škole.Aj preto píšem príspevok až po takom dlhom čase.

PS: Držte mi palce!

E: Have you ever had that feeling, when you knew something important was coming and you could not influence it anymore? This is how I feel at the moment just before my writing part of English state exams in my language school. I do not know why but I chose more difficult type of state exams and now I regret it because I     have omitted the preparation and I thoufht that i can handle it during one week before state exams, however this is not true because this week was full of tests in school. That is why I write this article after such a long time.

PS: Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Source: weheartit.com


Nasty Gal collection

V prvom rade by som rada povedala, že túto značku veľmi nepoznám, no po prezretí jej aprílovej kolekcie na  stránke nastygal.com som ostala v nemom úžase.Kombinácie farieb, strihov sú ozaj dokonalé a je isté, že budú hitom tohto leta.Jedinú vec, ktorú by som tejto kolekcii vytkla sú niektoré modelky, pretože mne sa k takémuto oblečeniu jednoducho nehodia.No od nákupov a inšpirácie nikoho z nás nezastavia!

E: At first, I would like to say that I do not know this brand very well, however after seeing their April collection on the website nastygal.com I was really shocked.Their combinations of colors and shears are really perfect and it is sure they will be hit of this summer.The only thing I do not like about the collection, are some of the models, because they do not fit me for this kind of clothes, but they will not stop us from buying it and taking some inspiration of it, right?