V prvom rade by som rada povedala, že túto značku veľmi nepoznám, no po prezretí jej aprílovej kolekcie na stránke
nastygal.com som ostala v nemom úžase.Kombinácie farieb, strihov sú ozaj dokonalé a je isté, že budú hitom tohto leta.Jedinú vec, ktorú by som tejto kolekcii vytkla sú niektoré modelky, pretože mne sa k takémuto oblečeniu jednoducho nehodia.No od nákupov a inšpirácie nikoho z nás nezastavia!
E: At first, I would like to say that I do not know this brand very well, however after seeing their April collection on the website
nastygal.com I was really shocked.Their combinations of colors and shears are really perfect and it is sure they will be hit of this summer.The only thing I do not like about the collection, are some of the models, because they do not fit me for this kind of clothes, but they will not stop us from buying it and taking some inspiration of it, right?