
It was British!

Včera večer som sa vybrala na koncert Sister Gracie v prešovskom klube Wave.Sister Gracie je bristká electronic/ indie rocková kapela, zložená z dvoch členov- Max Walker- gitara a spev+ Liam Whybrow-bicie.
Títo chalani doniesli do nášho mesta vánok zaujímavej hudby a štýlu.
+ s Kejmy sme si zaobstarali tašky Sister Gracie!
+ pridávam turné video z youtube od Maxa

E: Yesterday evening, I went to see the concert of Sister Gracie in Prešov´s club Wave.Sister Gracie is British electronic/ indie rock band which has 2 members- Max Walker- guitarist and singer+ Liam Whybrow- drummer.
These two guys brought to out town a breeze of the interesting music and style.
+ we/ me and Kejmy/ bought Sister Gracie´s bags
+ here is a youtube tour video from Max


I am tiny, but it was shiny!

Dress- Influence Clothing
Tights- F&F
Shoes- Chinese store

Photos by K. Ratkošová


Hey mambo

Je pondelok a keď sa tak prechádzam po blogoch, každý tu pridáva svoje skvelé jarné outfity.Tu na východe sa však počasie cez deň tak pokazilo, že si môžem akurát tak nasadiť moje gumáky.Nemám nič proti dažďu, ale v Pondelok mi uberá všetku energiu.On a zajtrajšia písomka z chémie.
Víkendový záverečný tanečný večierok dopadol skvele vďaka mojim spolužiakom a Kejmy, ktorá všetko zorganizovala.

E: It´s Monday and when I am browsing my favourite fashion blogs, all I can see are amazing spring outfits.However, here, in the east of Slovakia, the weather got worse during the day and the only thing I can put on are my flowered rain boots.I don´t mind rain, but on Monday? It sucks up all of my energy. The rain and tommorow´s Chemistry test.
Our final dancing recepiton turned out to be great thanks to my classmates and Kejmy who organised everything.

Photos by Valika F.


It all went wrong!

Dnes ráno som nastúpila do autobusu a tešila sa na celý deň.Najprv som bola na testy na alergológii, no a potom som sa ponáhľala do školy.Len, čo som si sadla do lavice, celý deň sa otočil o 180 stupňov a všetko sa začalo kaziť.V sobotu máme venček a môj tanečný partner je chorý- to je len jedna vecí, ktoré ma trápia.Dúfam, že vy sa máte skvele :)

PS: Nech sa páči dnešný outfit+ nákup!

E: This morning, I took the bus and I was looking forward to upcoming whole day.At first, I went to doctor´s to have my allergy tested and then I hurried up to school.The moment I sat in my desk, whole day turned 180 degrees and everything started to get wrong.On Saturday, we are having a class dance party called a puff/ring/chaplet and my dance partner is ill-this is just one of many things which are bothering me at the moment.I hope you are feeling great!

PS: Here you are today´s outfit and purchase!

Top- Second Hand
Shoes- Primark


Moschino- Fall/Winter 2012

Zima nám odchádza, no Moschino predviedol svoju najnovšiu kolekciu na Jeseň/Zimu 2012 a ja sa len teším, pretože toto je kolosálne! Aspoň jeden taký kabátik!

E:Winter is leaving, however Moschino has just brought his latest collection for Fall/Winter 2012 and I am so excited because this is colossal! We wanna at least one coat, right?

Source: Offcial Moschino page /Facebook/


When my dream came true

Včera večer som sa vrátila z Londýna.Priznávam, nečakala som, že ma až tak očarí.Na Oxford street sme strávili rekordných 10 hodínVideli sme kráľovnú aj s princom Filipom.Cestovali Eurotunelom, plavili sa trajektom, ale aj sedeli v londýnskom dvojposchodovom autobuse.Navštívili sme ten najromantickejší park.Čerešničkou na torte bol však Cambridge.

E: Yesterday evening, I got back from London. I must admit that I did not expect so much from this trip.We spent a record 10 hours on Oxford street.We saw the Queen and Prince Philip.We travelled by Eurotunnel, we sailed on a ferry, but we also sat in a double-decker bus.We visited the most romantic parc.However the cream on the cake was our trip to Cambridge.