
The happiest men band- Jinja Safari

Poznáte ich? Lebo ja som ich objavila až teraz a sú skvelí! Presne takí veselí, akých svet potrebuje.

E: Do you know them? Because I have just discovered them and they are amazing! Just so wonderful like world needs. JINJA SAFARI

Song Peter Pan by Jinja Safari


YOUNG November by Zara

Pánsku kolekciu sme tu nemali už dávno.Ale dnes na Facebooku som si všimla jednu od Zary, ktorá ma dosť zaujala.Športová, no zároveň aj elegantná.Páni si jednoducho majú z čoho vyberať.Konečne!

E: Men's collection hasn´t been there for such a long time. But today, I have noticed one collection from Zara which has cought my attention.It is sports, but at the same time so elegant.Gentlemen finally  have  wide choise like us!

For me the best!


Friday Asos game

Dnes u mňa bola Kejmy.Divne strávený piatkový večer, že? Doma, nad domácou úlohou z francúžštiny.Napokon sme si však našli čas na Asos a zapojili sa do jednej súťaže.Môj návrh.Prepáčte za jeho kvalitu.Voilá! :)

E: Today, I have spent my time with Kejmy at my house.Weir spending of Friday night, right?At home, with homework from French language.After all, we found a little time and we joined one of the Asos competitons.
My draft.Sorry for its quality.Voilá! :)


Who loves Twiggy?

Zajtra máme v škole jeden skvelý deň.Bude sa vyučovať v štýle šesťdesiatych rokov.Naša priorita číslo jeden je prísť oblečený a upravený v tomto štýle a priorita číslo dva je adekvátne sa tomu aj správať.Dnes na hodine slovenčiny odznelo z úst mojej triednej učiteľky meno Twiggy.V triede nastala okamžite diskusia-jedni sa pýtali, kto to vlastne je, druhý sa pousmiali a spomenuli si na túto krásku.Myslím, že vo väčšine hláv Twiggy symbolizuje slovo krása, pretože taká naozaj bola, je a bude.Ak sa chcete dozvedieť niečo viac o jej živote navštívte túto stránku.

E:Tomorrow, iny my school, we are having one amazing day.Teaching is going to be done in the style of the sixties.Our priority number one is to be dressed and neated in this style and our priority numer two is to behave adequately.Today , during my Slovak lesson, name Twiggy has  been said from the mouth of my class teacher.Immediately a huge discussion started-one of my classmates asked who is Twiggy, another smiled and pictured the image of this beauty, because she was, she is and she will be always one of the most beautiful women.If u want to know something more about Twiggy, just google it.


Not me, the clothes is important !

A little bit fat a little bit sad, but it wasn´t really like that! 

Sweater-Second Hand
Leggings - New Yorker
Shoes-Chinese store

Photo by: Kejmy




Zbožňujem túto kolekciu, kvôli jej ženskosti, kvôli blúzkam a šatám s holým chrbtom, ktorý je mojou srdcovou záležitosťou a milujem aj samotného YSL.

E: I love this collextion because of its femininity, because of bareback blouses and dress which I adore and I love YSL himself.

You can find the whole collection here.
Source: Elle.com


One delicious cake from my granny

Dnes ako som si prezerala fotky v počítači, objavila som tortu, ktorú mi upiekla moja babka na birmovku.Nie je úžasná?

E: As I was surfing throught the photos in my computer, I found a cake which my granny baked for my confirmation last year.Isn´t it amazing?