
Pixie has got a great market

Už dlhšie sledujem tento online obchod na Facebooku, ale až dnes som si poriadne prešla jeho profil a vybrala som pre vás nejaké tie kúsky, ktoré by vás mohli zaujať.Ja by som asi celý ten obchod vykúpila!
Inak som ponorená do učenia, písania úloh.Niekedy je ťažké, ak chcete, aby sa vaše sny splinili.Dnes je prvá adventná nedeľa a o chvíľu sú tu Vianoce!Tešíte sa?Už zháňate vianočné darčeky?

E: I have been following this online store on Faceboor for a quiet long time, but only today I went through their profile properly and I have chosen some stuff that might interest you.I would definitely buy dozens of clothes and acessories there!
By the way, I am still studying and writing homeworks.Sometimes it is so difficult to follow your dreams.Today it is the first advent Sunday and Christmas are coming!Are you looking forward to it? Have you already started to look for presents?